Friday, March 20, 2009

Falling into the personal abyss

When times are tough, and the pressure starts to accumulate and you left it to late to handle the tasks at hand, then more likely than not you will crash and burn. I have seen it many time, and have felt it myself.

But it is important that when you fall, whether there be another person there to help you or not, you must get up and stand on your own legs. When you have you can walk, and then run again, perhaps later you can even do a somersault.

On the same note if you see someone falling, do you go over to them and lend them a hand, thus dissipating their embarassment or should you let them get up by themselves and laugh of their own negativity.

For me I would choose to stick my hand out, for I know what it is like to fall and not have anyone there by my side. For I believe that just because no one was there for me, why should I do the same things to them and it become an eye for an eye. Why not turn your cheek and show them the kindness you never received.


Anonymous said...

Kindness doesn't necessarily mean to hold out a hand. It can be in many other forms, the individual has to first think for themselves. Then they make the decision to ask for help needed. An individual so lost and so out of place may not see this need. That's when someone should step in. In saying that, problems can often occur for those who help. Mistakes are made and its up to the individual to help themselves. Its up to those who have a conscience to help those help themselves.

The individual should also recognise that there are people around to help, they have to be willing to take on board what they have to say. There's no use of that help going to waste.

Raymond Teodo a.k.a. was_bedeutet_jemanden said...

Good article! It reminds me of the chorus to a song I wrote when I was 17:

"Life is a seesaw; it has it's ups and downs.
But it's no fun if noone is at the other end -
Noone to lift you up then...."

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