Friday, May 1, 2009

The 3 Rules of Being

1. Calm your spirit
2. Be yourself
3. live free

The 5 Precepts of Truth and Greater Understanding

1. Speak your feelings
2. Search your thoughts
3. Be above no one
4. Be responsible for who you are.
5. Take it as it comes

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The 8 Precepts of Universal Love

I like to think in a world of freewill and destiny we could find a balance and in finding the balance we must do this:

1. Do anything you like as long as it harm none.
2. Feel pride in who you are, what you can do, and can not do but humble yourself to all things
3. Be responsible for what you have received and those you have received it from
4. Find pleasure in the food you take but have it in moderation
5. Desire of the body is not wrong but only do so toward others who does it of their own freewill
6. Too much hardwork can lead to tired body, so relax once in a while. Too much relaxation you regress in health so work a little, find moderation between relaxation and hardship.
7. If you see others as better than you, then work to be better than them in your own eyes
8. Vent your anger, and release your feelings so that you do not fester your emotional wounds and be even more wounded

Sunday, April 26, 2009

think twice

I am tiring of watching the news, only to feel less respect for the media, there is a point that they have crossed between telling us what we need to know, and invading poeples privacy to interupting our legal processes, i feel sorry for the footballers, or sports people that are unfairly persecuted. By being in the public eye, they're exposed, and for the media to highlight every mistake on national tv takes away the right that we all have to learn from our mistakes, and deal the problems we have, privatly. And you may notice the story is always one sided, you here from the victim, and as the victim is always bias and never admitting of fault. You hear these story about grandmothers being ripped off by their family, but as we don't know the people involved we form a view not based on the facts for all we know this old woman used her possestions as some sort of bribary, and when she didn't get what she wanted she cried wolf.. but as i said we don't know the full story so we can't judge and the media should not be putting foward this pettiness.. and that is a mild example of what i am talking about. Recently in queensland we had a pedefile that was on trial which was dismissed due to there being to much publicity for him to recieve a fair trial, and instead of toning down the hype so we could jaol him, the media staked out his house and was the headlining story for a couple of weeks, because it got ratings, so when did the news and journalism become more important that protecting society from the filth. I do empathize with australian swimmer Nick Darcy who missed out on the 2008 olympics because of a drunken brawl between him and another swimmer, I in now way condone what he did, but he has paid his dues more than most kids his age in simular posistion would've had to, and will be paying for it for years, he will forever be known as the guy that broke a team members jaw, but for one second think, what did it take to enable him to do what he did, most people don't go that nuts for no reason but we don't hear about that so much, i don't believe either party was innocent and the others bad actions should have been highlighted as well to increase awareness of alcohole abuse.. And then we have what A-List Celebs have to deal with, tabloids,verman, they drive people to breakdowns then profit from there pain.. poor britany.. hehe he... put yourself in their posistion not one solitary moment, no precious memories of your own, everything shared with everyone else...

Although i don't think anyone will be able to do anything, and it's garunteed to get worse, i just want people to think twice before forming an opinion, on bias facts. These are poeple too, not just celebraties some of them quite young growing up and making mistakes, as every person does..