Saturday, April 4, 2009

Its important to be different

I think the biggest mistake in life is not to be honest to yourself.. To hide beneath a veil pretending to be someone else... Celebrate the person you are.. We are who we are for a reason.. Entirly cliche i know... But its true i spent a long time trying to be the person i thought i should be instead of the person i am.. Then i started to miss the person i used to be, now i can't let go of my inhibitons to be that person again so now i feel i am missing out on something.. So go with the flow... Be who you are a celebrate the fact your different... Use your own mind...

Same topic alternate variant, people need to be aware who they are, really start to analize themselves. Be honest on why they do the things they do? Why they say or don't say the things they think? what is the underlying reason for their thoughts ? Why they might follow the alpha dominant society? What causes you to follow similar patterns? Fall into the same ruts? Why do get lazy? Depressed? you need to understand these things in yourself then you can begin to understand them in others.

I do believe some people are incappable of ever veiwing themselves on this scale. So don't get disheartend. I thought people learn from their mistakes as i have but this is not true in many cases. These people lead a shallow life, full of un confidence. i used to get frustrated with this but its a burden that i dont need. its not our problem to make them aware of it, just try not to get involved in it.

anyway as i have lost the initial point i was trying to make i will leave you with that...

For those seeking love..

I know everyone out there, will have a friend that is unlucky in love you may even know someone who is always in different relationships, and that person seems to always fall into the same type of relationship, why is that? i think that at some point in time the relationship is less important than the love they are seeking, the intense emotion that is the initial attration. The vipers that feed on these vulnerable people are always the same, luring their prey its about the game instead of the person, the equation of these two types of people tends to be poison to each other, and therefor extreamly unhealthy. love for more and more people is becoming an addiction. To be complacent in love... well its just to easy...

About Goal Setting...

emotional well being- recent revelations

Allot of people have seen you as confident but you hid your un confidence by acting over confident. You hid allot of things by over compensating for them. But it is time to throw up the veils on this life, put you on show, because it is the you that you love and it is the you that others love they just don’t know it yet. You have come to this epiphany, and finally it is not the world that controls you and you can’t control the world or the people in it, but you own your part of it and you can control that, and from now on you will.

You write the last paragraph and realise you are trying to convince yourself more than anything. You are over it, no regrets you look to the future and put all the pettiness out of your thoughts at least for today. You are better than that, your royal snootiness, and the last thing you want is the insecurities of others impacting on what you want for yourself.

Time out for a second, when you evaluate your own jealousy, what does it really come down too. Woman more so than men thrive on jealousy, they feed on it, whether it be the ammunition against another or the ignition for you to push your life into its direction, even if it’s what you want or not. I think it blinds us, as well as holds us back, for example; you see your friends in a relationship, and you want to be in one, then you feel like you have fallen in love so much that you can’t go to the college you want and settle for a meaningless job at a bank, and eventually that relationship goes sour because, neither of you ever really had the same interest or direction and then you have used up three years for what? So the lesson learnt is set your own goals, stick to them as much as possible, face what ever comes your way with open arms, and hopefully one day you’ll have nothing to be jealous about.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Better than me

When I see others who I think are better than me, I see it as a challenge that I must overcome.

If they are indeed better than me then obviously I must lack something they have.

So therefore I must be better than them to overcome whatever weakness I may have had.

Why stop at being as good as they are, why not be even better than they are in your own eyes.

So if they are better than you, you have no choice but to be a better you.

The bitch book part one- sister in law

you may think i am a complete stuck up cow.. on some levels so true i admit it.... but this is all written in the height of complete anger. when the jugment and stupidity of other has overwhelmed me..

You’re ugly and annoying and have no talent for anything so stop bragging. You haven’t achieved anything in life you have nothing to be proud of.. your 30 this year with no definite prospects for the future, and planning everything is not going to make it more likely to happen, and telling everyone is just shitting me off. Do it, don’t say it. It feels like your trying to rub it in every ones face and we are all tired of it. Your old now, you are the first g/f your partner has had, you’re his last chance to form a relationship, to have kids, your so insecure you don’t give him a second of space yet you try to act so mature. And as much as you try to prepare for kids you aren’t ready.
Someone who is still fixated on diamantes on her wedding dress has allot to learn.
And yes I am better than you mostly because I could not give a crap. And do not begin to judge me until you look after a baby who demands you attention constantly, a grown male that is pretty much mostly at home to sleep eat and make a mess and still manage to cook, clean and do every ones laundry, groceries, dr appointments and any other day to day duty. And still look as good as me at the end of the day..
And until you learn how to dress yourself or have any other kind of shoes than thongs don’t brag about a hand bag.

emotional well being part 1

What happens in life when what you thought you wanted changes, you get a whole other perspective, everything you thought was important, becomes irrelevant, and the things you thought you’d never need become important. Such small possessions become the centre of a world a year ago you couldn’t imagine. And you feel ten years older. And with maturity becomes responsibility. The responsibility becomes overwhelming, you start swimming in it, flailing and drowning in it.

Life is boring the boredom is tiring that you can’t fathom continuing your repetitive routine it becomes pointless, no matter how much you clean, there is still cleaning to be done tomorrow. Everything appears to be your responsibility, generally because you are the only one who can make the decisions.
Then you sit back and realise that this is not who you thought you’d be, not that you regret anything, you aren’t where you thought you’d be, you have so many things in your life that so special, but there is so much missing, but it is better being thankful for all the little things that make you happy with the life you have, than think about the what ifs and the things you don’t have in life.
Now you have an entire different range of priorities, yet they are masking your original priorities, but those priorities can’t be dealt with until your immediate priorities are met, which are the things you never thought were important.
With all this not only do you have someone you love and someone you both love but these two very important people become reliant on you, an added pressure. Now one of these lives is completely dependent on you, not only for now but for the rest of your life, a huge step and you love it, you love creating this life that will one day create there own. It is a wonderful feeling to create life and you hope one day you be lucky enough to feel it again.
But this is not the top of the agenda. Right now you want the security of limitless love, the binding contract of someone who is committed to you and is willing to let the world know. Although this knew revelation is important it is not nearly as important to know that the feeling is mutual, how are you supposed to know what he is feeling unless he opens to his feelings and lets you in? Until that point, the only thing you can receive is a metaphorical door in the face, then how can you intrust him with the entirety that is you life. Better yet does he even want that? You start to feel that any feeling he has for you is forced and that any action that comes from this is forced. If it isn’t forced why isn’t life a fairy tale? Why can’t he feel the need for the next step? Reading another’s mind just adds new confusions to the increasingly confused mind.
You somewhat envy your grandmas generation when times where allot simpler, the more rights this generation has received has only brought more choices which increased the probability of the wrong choices. Back then relationships were sacred, love was created not expected. Still to this day some of the male descendants of this generation have not mutated into the men that this generation is designed for, where house wives are disappearing and men are evolved into the men woman are looking for, the sensitive, caring, masculine, and romantic, the perfect Cleo man.

Love in its entirety is really a silly conception, we are so hung up on the one, that we fail to notice the obvious, how friends and family seem to find their one at high school at work, a friend of a friend, this one that seems so illusive. And you know people say grass always seems greener on the other side but sometimes you look at others and think how could it not be? And as much as you love the life you live. You can’t help how easy it seems for others.

So maybe it’s you, when you can’t get the person that supposedly loves you to care about your mental and emotional well- being, or just to care for the sake of caring. Because you’re worth it. How could it not be you? You try to make fair decisions and agreements, it has to be your actions that let people walk all over you. And each day you hold your head up and continue to try to please everyone around you, for what? To be tired, depressed, sore, stressed. You feel like the only thing there is to do is leave but apart from being frazzled you love what you have, and you couldn’t risk losing that, but you need to be understood, you need help and would like to know what language you need to be speaking to get the message through to the opposite sex. Is there hidden dictionaries? Do you need to learn Morse? This problem is a common occurrence in your life, it spider webs through to the most insignificant of encounters. Eventually it takes its toll, and you are so tired of being nice.

Break down the wall.

A wall exist to keep something in or something out.

So too is the wall we erect, it is to keep out our fears, and keep ourself inside protected.

But the wall that you erect merely make you more fearful and stop us from showing our true self to others.

So break down the wall so we can show others our true self and face your fears up front so that we may overcome it and be stronger for it.

Stand tall

Stand tall and be counted.

Never be ashame of who you are.

Be prideful instead of your gift, abilities, and flaws.

It is what make us us, and not anyone else.

So why be ashame of our uniqueness be prideful of it instead.

So stand tall with pride in your hearts over being yourself and not anyone else.

Home is where the heart is

Home is where the heart is.

So where ever your heart is your home must be.

Some feel uncomfortable or unhappiness when they are outside their home.

But if your heart is with you, therefore where ever you go your home must surely be.

So be happy and comfortable where ever you are, for surely your home must be where ever you go.

Letting time goes by

Time is a system created by human to measure when certain things are scheduled to happen.

We have no control over time, so continuously worrying about when it would happen is pointless.

If for example a train is schedule to come at a certain time, it either would or would not. So worry not for time lost or gain, just let it flow and flow with it and you will find life is less of worries.

I do not mind what is on your mind

What people think of us we can not control.

The only thing we can control is what we think of ourselves.

If other things that you should jump off a cliff, should you?

What they think of you should hold no bearing on what you do or what you become.

Brush aside the worry that you have in your heart about what others may think of you and be free of unnecessary burden you may have placed upon yourself.

So do not mind what others have on their mind, but mind only what is on yours.

Forgive and forget

To forgive others is to let them move on with their life.

To forget is for you to move on with yours.

To forgive one must forget.

If you forgive and do not forget then you are still remembering past hurt and pain, and therefore you have not truely forgiven them at all.

By forgiving and forgetting you are removing the burden of pain you place upon yourself and lift the limitation on personal growth.

So forgive and forget in order to become whole and heal your own wounds.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Live for yourself, and not for others

It is a very kind offer for you to live for others, very self-sacrificial. It could also be seen that you see yourself as unworthy to live.

The more you place yourself in the role of the self-sacrifice the more you are going to blame others for the problems which you have incurred upon yourself.

But if you live for yourself and not for others, then the only person you can blame is yourself, on the upside the only person you can thank is also yourself.

By living for others you will feel the weight of them on your shoulder but if you live for yourself then you have only your own problem to consider.

So live for yourself and you will find life a much happier place to be and less of a burden.

The paths of truth

There is not one truth, but many truths, which are all aspects of the One Truth.

Just as all roads leads to the same point.

To believe in only one truth is not wrong, but to force your truth down other people's throat as the One Truth is not right.

Each one of us must find and discover our truth so that we in the end may continue on the path of the One Truth.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool's

The 1st of April is commonly known as April Fool's Day, the traditional day for joke and prank to be pull.

This is a great day for us to not take life too seriously and to go with the flow.

But some jokes can be taken too far, which could seriously hurt someone emotionally, or even physically.

If you wish to make a joke, make sure do it responsibly that which would harm none.

An ode to unconditional love

I do not mind if you do not exist
Whether you be alive or dead
I will love you never the less
I saw you in my dream
In the place no one else can see
You are my only one
Just as I am only yours
Though we may travel different paths
My heart will be with you
No matter where we will go our path will become one.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Finding the one

The search for the significant other is talked about as the most important find one can make in their life.

To find that someone who resonates and mirror our very being, the yin to our yang.

But in order to find the one that complete us, we must acknowledge that what we want to find in another is what we want within us.

If we can not do this for ourselves, all we are liable to find is just short-term romance or infatuations, and unhealthy obsessions.

So only through completing ourselves can we become whole and therefore is ready for the one who will make their journey with us, side by side.

In closing: Become one with ourselves and then we can become one with others.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

You can count on me

Some people see a request for help as a statement for them to be used. But if you think carefully about it. If they request help from you then that means they deemed you as useful. If they never ask you for help, then perhaps they deemed you as useless.

Is it not better to be view as useful rather than useless, and reliable rather than unreliable?

I'll Be There...

I've realized that just as important as it is to have friends who you can depend on in your time of need, you also have to be the kind of friend who others can turn to for help...

Dare to be Different!