Thursday, March 26, 2009

Only by walking through the valley of death will you be reborn

There comes a time in everyone life where everything seems abyssmal and you wish you were dead because of an incident which cause you trauma, but by getting up on our feet and walking away from these things can we start again from scratch.

Such is the phrase, "Only by walking through the valley of death will you be reborn"

Only by walking away from our old life can we begin a new.

Life without hardship is like a beach without sands

In life, we are continuously challenged by various hardship. But it is these hardship that allows us to appreciate life as we have it.

In the same way can you appreciate the beach when it has sands, otherwise it will be just rocks and water.

Imagine walking on those rocks in the water, there would be very little pleasure in it but to feel the sands in our toes can we appreciate the softness that those little things has to offer.

Self-image and Idealization

When we meet someone the first thing we worry about is how we are seen by others and the first thing we also do is to immediately perceive them as something. So in that first few seconds we are judged and judge at the same time.

In that first few seconds do we idealize someone just as they idealize us. As I have said before in a previous post, try hard to present yourself to others as you would like them to see you, so that idealization may not happen.

The reason why we should not idealize someone is that if we see them as a positive figure in our life and all of a sudden they do something bad, unnecessary disappointment may occur.

So remember do not judge a book by its cover, spend sometime with it to understand its content and that we can not control others but only ourselves.

So in closing if you do not wish to be judge then do not judge them.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Sky's the Limit!

I was determined not to go to bed tonight until I had come up with something to contribute to this blog. Here is the result. Hope you enjoy! Never forget that you are special and that you have the potential to fulfill your dreams, no matter how far away they seem, or what people say and think about them...

The Sky's the limit!

I stand alone in a world full of people

If you think about it this is indeed true for everyone, ultimately you have to use your own feet to stand, and nobody elses. But the expression points out that some people still feel alone in this world though its completely full of people.

I wonder is it because they do not talk anymore, but surely they must for how else will day to day business go ahead.

To those who feel this way perhaps loneliness is just mere illusions of being dependent and unable to stand on your own feet. Why must you wait for that someone to arrive for you to live your life. They mean happiness to you, but can you also not find happiness in yourself? There are so many out there that feels this way.

So if you ever feel lonely, then perhaps you should say hi to someone, who knows you could be lonely together?

Definition of success

Success these days is often defined by the amount of money you have, the car you drive and the house you live in. But I believe that success is defined not based on that, but on how happy you are. I am living my self in a comfortable home with everything I “need”, but I do not feel the happiness that I would like to feel and believe that is natural. That is because what I want to do is different than where I live and this makes me feel depressed and miserable. I do not believe that dreaming about cars will make me happy one day. I believe that happiness is just around us, we simply need to face it and enjoy it. It is like looking at the clouds, if we will want to take them, we will not, because that is impossible, but we can simply enjoy them by raising our head and looking at them. So far so good, let us see how this theory will go on.


Everyone is similar and is unique in their own way. Which makes everyone a non-conformist and a conformist at the same time. But if you work hard to be different then other will see that difference also. But is it a good thing to do such a thing?

If you shun other people, they too will shun you. Just as if you shun society, so in effect society will not care about you either. Is it therefore not better to work with society or as a team? Once you are part of a group, any type it is more often than not you will be cared and look after, for you are their own.

So why not instead of shunning society as some kind of protest, work with society to make a difference.

Articulation and Eloquence

When speaking with someone through whatever medium it is important to speak clearly with articulation and eloquence. Lest they misinterpret your speech as laziness or crudeness.

When someone has that viewpoint about you it is very hard to erase that first impression. This is especially important in term of applying for work, working at a job, or when in the presence of someone of great respectability.

If worst come to worst you could be seen as crude, disrespectful, lazy, and therefore pointless to associate with, lack any sort of credibility or just disassociated from the general group.

So when first meeting someone be eloquent and articulate as much as you can and you can come off to a flying start.

lol lol lol lol

Laughter is a good thing when there is something to laugh about. But if you laugh at every single thing, though to just to lighten the atmosphere it may not be the right thing.

Some people may not see your laughter as appropriate to the matter at hand and find it as an insult instead. Worst they may see you as unable to be serious, nervous or unsure of yourself.

So laugh in moderation, do not over do it. It may lighten the atmosphere but is it at the cost at people taking light of you?

Sorry I won't apologize anymore

There is nothing wrong about apologizing for what you did wrong, but there is everything wrong about apolgizing for things you did not do wrong.

The more you apologize for a right action the more you are going to loose confidence in yourself. The more other are going to see you as with no confidence, and the more you will be use as a doormat by them.

If however you do an action, that which you are proud of but which other simply do not like, do not apologize for that action but rather just let it be, and you will be more assertive with yourself and everyone else.

Contribution to the needy.

I been touching on the subject of needs and wants and now want to come back to expand on it some more.

Looking inward you can find what you need, but looking outward what is it that one can offer?

I thought about this for a long time and realize that what I can offer to others is not money, or gifts but rather the gift of me. I can offer myself to society if the needs ever occur, my life, my time, my energy, my thoughts and my love.

So if you ever thought about how you can help your own society, perhaps you should look into what you as a person can offer and not what you as a resource can do.

Living life to the max

The way I see it your life is either rule by fate or freewill.

If it is rule by fate, then everything you do does not matter and it will turn out the way it will anyway, so might as well live it to the max and not waste what time you have.

If it is rule by freewill, then everything is left to chance and therefore there is a 50/50 chance that something bad or dire may happen to you the very next day. So live it to the max as if it were your last, because if everything is up to chance then it might as well be.

So just live life not by rules or convention but how you want to, as no matter what you do you can not control how it will end anyway.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The most important things in life

In life it is important to find what it is that we mind the most important things to us in order to find satisfaction and contentment. When I say the most important things in life I do not mean the most important for living, but the most important things to have a good life.

For me the most important things in having a good life is through companionship and to have someone to talk to, something which I have found up to a degree. When you have identify what that thing is that you need to live a good life, you will no longer feel wanting or searching for something more.

But how do you find out what it is that is important to us. Think of yourself as an island, or someone with utterly nothing bereft of everything. In your mind take away from yourself friends, family, houses, love, our occupation, clothes on your back and what you are left with is just ultimately you. Only then can you find what it is that you are seeking in your life. I am not asking you to discard all the things you have literally but to spiritually do so. But I do believe when a man has nothing, to be bereft of riches and fame, and those material things that clouds the mind, will he be able to find his own contentment.

In summation I will say this, the more you have, the more you want but the less you have, the less you need.

There is always light at the end of the tunnel....

No matter how bad life is going for us at the moment, we must always remember that there is light at the end of the tunnel...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Drug addiction pt.2 - Plans for overcoming addictive behaviour

The following list of action plans is taken from the book "Preach My Gospel", published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. "Preach My Gospel" is a manual designed to help full-time missionaries of the church, as well as all members of the church, help others by reaching out and sharing the gospel.

In chapter 10, pp 189, we read a list of ways to help people overcome addictive behaviours. These ideas can help those who are suffering from drug addiction, such as I have mentioned in a previous post, or they can help anyone overcome any sort of addictive behaviour. Whether you are religious or not, I know these action plans will help you or people you know overcome addictive behaviour:

(People) may ask what they can do ot overcome an addiction... The following suggestions may be helpful:

* Have them outline the times, places, and people that contribute to the behaviour. Then discuss the list with a spouse, bishop, ward missionary or trusted friend. Talk about what they need to do to change or a avoid the items on the list.

* Have them write down what the behavioiur is causing them to miss now and, if not corrected, what it will cause them to miss in the future.

* Have them write down different things they can do to avoid or discourage inapporpriate behaviour This may include talking to one's spouse, calling the bishop or a friend for support, exercising, and any other activity that helps them avoid temptation

(Someone once said to me that the only way to break a bad habit is to replace it with a good one. This statement rings truth in the third bullet point, in that keeping your mind occupied doing something else can help you change addictive behaviour).

* Encourage them to reglarly pray, study the scriptures, listen to uplifting music, and read wholesome books....

* ...Encourage them to attend an apporopriate support group or obtain professional help....

*... Encourage them to never give up!