I decided to upload this picture in view of
certain current events that have been happening in my country at the moment.
One of the things I simply cannot understand is the reasoning behind someone not liking someone else, just because of the colour of their skin. It never made any sense to me as a kid. It never makes sense to me now. It doesn't make sense to me that this kind of nonsense is still going on in the world, especially seeing as the world is becoming more unified through the advantages of modern technology.
Instead of negatively judging racial and cultural differences, why can't we all embrace them and try to understand each other? Why do people choose to remain in a state of ignorance? We will be seeing more and more of the younger generation interacting with other people from around the world, working together for the greater good, so these people who choose to remain in that state had better "get with the program".
I pray and hope that my generation and future generations after me can continue to learn from the mistakes of the past and look to the future, with a firm desire to understand and help each other....
Made my way here via blogupp. I couldn't agree with you more. I don't understand the violence, the negativity, the scare tactics and given the state of education ...how can people still be so narrow minded? It bothers me more than I know how to express. My hope is as education continues people ...even those raised in a bigotted family will push past their upbringings (though that brain washing in strong), and realize they can think on their own and embrace people...men, women, children, purple, green, tall, short.......whatever as people! We all bleed the same color of blood. We all have the same basic human needs. I wish I felt we would see it in my life; but I fear not...better yes, but the dream continues.
Good post.
Please come by for a visit
Thank you for stopping by and posting this heart-felt comment on my post! Yes, I agree also that racial tolerance is something that should be integrated into our education system more. It should become a priority in EVERY school curriculum. I also hope that you will be able to see a more positive change towards cultural diversity in your time... ;-)
I will also check out your blog page now....
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