Friday, March 13, 2009


While the feeling of rejection can hurt and cause you emotional pain. It is also good for evaluating your own character as to why you are rejected. Perhaps you did not portray yourself in correct manner or perhaps it is from pure simple fact that they did not want you or like you in that way.

If it is your own character that is at fault, we can only learn from the experience and think up ways of improving ourselves. However if it is the latter, then the only thing we can do is to move on. We can't forever stay in limbo for the chance that they may change their mind and come back to us. All this will do is pain us even more from continuous disappointment that this is not happening. This is the same through out all area of life that has to do with relationships, love, work applications, friendship and perhaps even family.

If we manage to move on from this, then we can only get stronger.

A friendly reminder - A smile can be infectious! :-)

Quote for the week (9 March 2009)

Smiling is infectious
You can catch it like the flu.
When someone smiled at me today
I started smiling too.

I passed around the corner
And someone saw my grin.
When he smiled I realized
I'd passed it on to him.

I thought about that smile,
Then I realized it's worth.
A single smile just like mine
Could travel round the world

So, if you feel a smile begin,
Don't leave it undetected,
Let's start an epidemic quick

(Taken from, Author unknown)


Everybody needs sleep. In fact it is important that you sleep. No matter how important it is or how fun it is to stay up all night to chat with friends or do other tasks, you must sleep. Deprivation of such a thing as sleep could cause your mind to unhinges and cause various physical problems such a cold and other sickness.

If you are in fact sleep deprived then perhaps you been up too long. Catch a little sleep now and then and you should be able to rebalance yourself out once again. As the saying goes, "nothing is worth loosing a little sleep over" or "sleep on it and your thought should be sorted"

Lighting the way

Touching back on Rokas's inspiring others with your light. The best way to help other I believe is to walk through your own path while giving off a light that you yourself lit from within. If others are not blind they too will see the light of inspiration that comes from you and perhaps they too will light their own fire, so that in turn others too will see these light and as a result will continue through their own path no longer cover by darkness but by light shining.

Helping others

I would like to contribute to Methas post about helping others and add a little something from myself. Through my experience and through what life has shown me, it is impossible to help others. Only they can help themselves. But we can always inspire others by showing a proper example of how we live ourselves. We can be the light that will give the light to others in order to begin helping themselves. So help yourself and allow yourself to shine brightly in order for others to help themselves. Even those who will not want help, they can be light up to begin their journey.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Being of Help

To some of you out there who has a yearning to help others, this post is for you. It is all well and good to try and help others who are in need but if it becomes detrimental to yourself then you must question if the action is in this suitable.

You must think too of yourself for though others may need your help, but if you are in as a bad situation as them, perhaps it is better to help yourself first. Once you help yourself then can you help others. For example you are on a battlefield and you are a medic, and your friend is injured, and so are you. If you get hit more and you die who else can you heal? So with that in mind if you help others while being unbalance would that not further unbalance them?

Also sometime it is not necessary in helping those who doesn't want help perhaps the best help you can give them is the help by not helping. If you already gave advice and they do not listen then any further advice given will only aggravate the situation so therefore the best thing to do is to sit back and relax and wait out the storm. Let them decide for themselves whether they want further help from you.

So I leave you with these words, help only those who are in need, including yourself. But do not help needlessly for needless help only result in needless healing.

Being true to yourself

While it is important to be true to others, it is also important to be true to yourself too. If you are not true to yourself eventually inner conflict will arise that you have to deal with. But what is it that I am talking about? To be true to one self is to not lie to yourself and in effect not lie to others as well. Some times we create a facade of ourselves and present this to the outside world.

Obviously it is not a true picture of who we are, but this will lead others to misinterpret how we are like. However if we portray ourselves as how we are, that is to not apologize for our own words, which is true at the time, to be confident with oneself, to hold oneself in the only way that one could be, there will be little mistaking of who we are.

However if we continue with the cherade eventually people will wonder about your sincerity or become surprise by your "out of character" actions, which could lead to inner frustrations that others are putting you in a stereotypical box of which you yourself is responsible for.

So be true to yourself and others will see the true you too.


In our life time we will face the event call heartbreak, it happens when we love someone so much and that our love is either not returned or they do something seriously wrong to thwart our love for them.

While it is important to love, one must know in a loving relationship, it is a two way street. There is no point to the relationship if you love them 100% and they love you 0%. Eventually you will feel drained because of the energy you put in to it without anything in return. So the only way to move on from that is to let them go and let yourself go to another direction.

The world is full of people and you just got to remember that, there will always be another that you can love once more. After all there is plenty of fishes in the sea. But one person that you absolutely must love is yourself, if you do not love yourself then no other can love you.

Wisdom of the Ages

Through life experiences, all of us gather self knowledge through trials and challenges. By facing and overcoming these challenges can we gain wisdom and strength to meet the next barrier. So in turn do we gain more and more strength and wisdom as we surpass these tests and that is how we grow.

Wisdom of the ages will hopefully become a congregation of those like minded inviduals offering advices on to the next generation needing it.

Why keep those insights to yourself when you could share and pass it along to another, and through them will they pass it on to another once more thus creating accrued wisdoms. A gathering for the Wisdom of the Ages.