Saturday, May 9, 2009

The voices inside your head

The voices inside your head, if you hear them and its not you then it is most likely your pent up fear, anguish, sadness, and worries, all roll up into one and manifest themselves as different persona.

There are no other voices inside your head except your own. Remember this well, for the more you feed these personas the more they exist, if you believe in only yourself and not them then all there is will be just you inside your own head.

The greatest lie of all

The greatest lie of all is that darkness exist.

In truth darkness only exist when we acknowledge it, when we fear it, when we trust in it. The bigger the darkness the more it will consume you.

But if you trust within the light and not the darkness then you will be the light. Not the light within the darkness but the light within the light.

All is light in the end, do not fear it for it will bring only darkness.

Love, peace, and unity is nothing to be afraid of. It is where we all need to be.

Friday, May 8, 2009

The 3 Rules of Living a Successful Life

1. Fight for life
2. Take responsibilities for your action
3. Never ever give up

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Feeling incomplete

My mind ponders the what ifs in life, how can i be so content, then an overwhelming feeling that there is something more out there lets me question wether my need to slow down has let me settle for less? Everything i have been desiring, i am not desiring anymore, and i feel like somethings missing, a hole that makes me want to cry, emotional and now angry at the people around me, because they aren't the people i saw for me.. what i want to be there isn't. But it was, how can i get that feeling back? the lust that drove my passion for everything i love. I have done this so many times in my life, and the stupidity out weighs the sensabilty, but my priorities are not about me anymore i have more to think about, and i am lucky, i have something very special. Is this a passing feeling something that will go away with time? Or is it my inner being telling me to keep looking? questioning what i thought i had found, what if i am one of these people that can never be content with what i've got, am i always looking for the next best thing?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The problem between freewill and destiny.

Each one of us has the freewill to make whatever choices we want. But destiny rules that we let go of control of ourselves and let the universe control us. Two differing viewpoints.

The solution as I see it is not to push away destiny and accept freewill nor accept destiny and pushh away freewill but rather to have freewill and bring inward destiny. To let go of control and to make the choices that we see fit and follow our own destiny.


No matter how young or how old we are, the GAME has been inprinted in our breed, i once was of the opinion that it was a passing phase, a struggle for power in the period of definment in our lives. But the GAME is in our very essence, the mentality that defines us as woman. If you are a woman that does not believe your involved your lying to yourself. The GAME in its true form is a fight to wear the pants in ones relationship, the one with the control, the ability to define it and steer the direction of it. Some woman are more cunning then other therfor less obvious. The to and frowing, in a relationship, out of it, in it again, the "you never do anything for me", "i never ask you for anything", "your not committing to this relationship", "why aren't we getting married""we don't spend enough time together".

If you have seen it, heard it, if you bare witness to it.. you have just witnessed the GAME you are all involved

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia

These three things comes from intolerance of other's differences, our own fears, and inability to understand others which in turn breeds hatred.

However the hatred is not enacted inward but rather outward. More often than not the reason we dislike another is because they remind us of what we see in ourselves. So remember when we discriminate against them we are merely discriminating against ourselves.

In truth there is really no difference in us all. All there is just differing opinions, cultures, races, genders, and sexual preferences.

How would you yourself feel if others push you away just because of the color of your eyes?


When we see things that we do not agree with it makes us feel negative and can be hurt by it. But if we were to act on it by being aggressive, and or violent toward those who do not agree with, that would just show us in a bad light.

Is it not much better to turn away from it and just move on. Same goes with other being intolerant toward us, would it not be better to turn the other cheek and walk away?

Just because they are intolerant toward us, it does not do any good for us to be intolerant toward them also.