Saturday, April 4, 2009

Its important to be different

I think the biggest mistake in life is not to be honest to yourself.. To hide beneath a veil pretending to be someone else... Celebrate the person you are.. We are who we are for a reason.. Entirly cliche i know... But its true i spent a long time trying to be the person i thought i should be instead of the person i am.. Then i started to miss the person i used to be, now i can't let go of my inhibitons to be that person again so now i feel i am missing out on something.. So go with the flow... Be who you are a celebrate the fact your different... Use your own mind...

Same topic alternate variant, people need to be aware who they are, really start to analize themselves. Be honest on why they do the things they do? Why they say or don't say the things they think? what is the underlying reason for their thoughts ? Why they might follow the alpha dominant society? What causes you to follow similar patterns? Fall into the same ruts? Why do get lazy? Depressed? you need to understand these things in yourself then you can begin to understand them in others.

I do believe some people are incappable of ever veiwing themselves on this scale. So don't get disheartend. I thought people learn from their mistakes as i have but this is not true in many cases. These people lead a shallow life, full of un confidence. i used to get frustrated with this but its a burden that i dont need. its not our problem to make them aware of it, just try not to get involved in it.

anyway as i have lost the initial point i was trying to make i will leave you with that...


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