Sunday, April 12, 2009

you can go no no no drugs but they may not listen

in addition to Raymond Teodo a.k.a. was_bedeutet_jemanden about drug addiction

i think it is really hard for someone to fully understand drug addiction until you have been through or been around people that have gone through it.. firstly not all drug are technically addictive, there is however a chemical that is released in the brain when drugs are injested can be addictive not everyone gets addicted. The best is education young, as young as 10, contravercial i know but, kids are going to school and being exposed to marijuana before they even know or understand what it is, kids in my school where doing harder drugs at 14.. at that age they have no concept of the affects of these drugs, but they still know right from wrong, so you as a parent can explain to them in not so much detail that as they grow up they will be exposed to people that do drugs, explain that it is illegal, it kills brain cells, and can change them in not nice ways, you can loose friends, and you might not be able to stop. At 10 - 11 kids realise these arn't good things,as they get older things seem less important, with girls esspecially you may find they do drugs to spite you as they get older a form of rebelion. If you find out your child is doing drugs, this goes for everyone if a loved one is caught up in it, You can't give them altimatums, Or be hard on them, state your dissaproval, but let them know your there for them anyway, the last thing you want is them not telling you when something is wrong, And as hard as it may be to see your child or loved one going through these experiences, it is their experience sometimes they have to learn lessons the hard way, you can only make it as easy and pain free as possible. Be availible to talk to so if you can see something going seriously wronglike massive weightloss, needle marks ect, you can take things further, and encourage them to get help,maybe someone to talk to.. some of the time it is a phsycological thing that they're trying to escape from. Another thing to be wary of people on drugs tend to attract others, some not so friendly and it does tend to create a dependancy on a partner which can create some very unhealthy relationships. Soo you do need to watch for signs of that as well, and funny enough i'd give the same advice for your child avoiding bad relationship. education early, support always, let them know you are always on their side, and the most important make sure they know they are worth it,they are a good person that deserves good things, self value has allot to do with drugs and bad relationship, if they respect themselves and their bodies they could be lucky to avoid any of this.. But if they do fall into this hole with love support they will find their way out and be wiser and maturer for it and on other side be a bigger person.


Raymond Teodo a.k.a. was_bedeutet_jemanden said...

That is so true what you have written! :-) Thank you for writing this in repsonse to my post. I agree that we need to start educating children at a young age about what drugs are and how to avoid them.

There was an exercise we had to do when I was on my mission (for my church), where we had to try and give up a particular habit of ours for one week. Mine was cracking my knuckles, and it was a really hard thing not to do. The exercise to help us see from an addict's point of view how difficult it is to give up drugs.

LifeWorks said...

I would like to recommend this website with more information about drug addictions.

LifeWorks said...

Sorry forgot to add the link:

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