Friday, April 10, 2009

Breathing to Balance Energy

In this fast-paced world it is no wonder we sometimes feel fatigued long before the day is done. It is important that we keep our energy levels up in order to maintain optimal health. Other times we get so wound up it is difficult to fall asleep. Here are some techniques to help you to keep your energy levels in balance.

Breathing and Visualization for Energy Restoration

This energy restoration exercise is quite simple. It can be done anywhere and only takes about two and one-half minutes to complete. While performing this exercise keep your jaws closed and each hand clenched lightly into a fist. With each inhale think to yourself that each breath is bringing a surge of energy and power that you are storing within you. Feel this happening.

1. Sit erect but relaxed(not tense) or stand with your weight balanced evenly on both feet.

2. Take a deep breath in through your nose while counting slowly and evenly to five.

3. In a relaxed state, slowly let the air out of your lungs through your nose to a count of ten.

4. Repeat this ten times consecutively.

Within 15-20 minutes after completing this exercise you will notice a distinct rise in your energy level. This increase should last for several hours. You may do this exercise 4-5 times daily, as needed. By practicing it at least once each day you will gradually build up your energy supply. This will strengthen your system, giving you greater resistance to infection and disease.

If you are a person who visualizes well, you will find this next exercise to be very effective and refreshing.

1. Sit erect yet relaxed with your feet touching and your hands clasped loosely in your lap.

2. In your mind, visualize the sun as a great flaming orb of pure energy.

3.Now, mentally lift your consciousness away from your body and go "in spirit" to the sun. Enter into its aura and proceed into the body of the sun, uniting with it. Have no fear. You are a child of the sun/light and you are simply returning to your rightful home. Let the sun's tremendous warm, loving energy flow through your entire being. Feel it strengthening and invigorating you.

4. After one minute return to your body and go on with your daily tasks.

You will notice immediate refreshment and stimulation from this exercise. After a few hours, look back on the way the exercise benefited you. You should notice that you have been able to accomplish more work with much less fatigue than you would normally experience.

If you feel you are having a "bad day" and are irritable, angry or depressed, use the following exercise to counterbalance your negativity.

1. Sit in a straight-backed chair located in a place where no one will disturb you. Take three deep breaths to relax yourself.

2. Separate your feet, keeping them flat on the floor. Sit erect, keeping the spine straight. Allow your hands to rest loosely in your lap or on your knees without touching each other. Touch the thumb, index and middle finger of each hand together in triangle fashion.

3. Take a deep breath. Hold it for a count of seven, then release it.

4. Wait a few seconds and repeat step # 3.

5. Do this seven times, then get up and go on about your day.

While our bodies need to maintain an energetic state, that state needs to be in balance. Having too much positive energy can feel just as uncomfortable as having too much negative energy. To counterbalance excess positive energy, begin as in the previous exercise.

1. Sit erect and take three deep breaths to relax.

2. This time, your feet should be flat on the floor, but touching each other. Hands should be held in front of the body at chest level, thumb touching thumb and each finger touching the tip of the corresponding finger on the other hand. Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

3. Slowly exhale all the air out of your lungs. When all the air has been exhaled, count slowly to five.

4. Now breathe in and out slowly and regularly for 5-6 breaths until you are relaxed again.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 five times. Then, return to your normal breathing pattern and put the exercise out of your mind.

This exercise, if done at the first sign of cold symptoms, and repeated once hourly for three hours will decrease the severity of the cold and quite possibly eliminate it entirely.

The good news is that, should you use the wrong exercise, you can just follow it with the other to restore balance. Very soon you will come to know and understand yourself and become aware of which exercise will be helpful for which types of problems and emotions.


Raymond Teodo a.k.a. was_bedeutet_jemanden said...

Thank you for posting this! :-)

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